Time to write your first program!
Now that you have installed Eclipse, it is time to write your first program.
Step 1
From the home page, select, Create a Java Project
Step 2
We can call this project helloWorld in the specified field. Leave all other attributes to their default settings, you can learn more about these later on. Use the default name for the module name once you select Next. Once you select create, the application will populate
Step 3
Now we have create a module for our project but we have to create a class to hold our main method before we can write our first program. Select create new class, then type HelloWorld as the class name and select the public static void main(String[] args) check box so that the main method will automatically be created. This will create a new class inside of our module.
Step 4
Under, public static void main(String[] args), type System.out.println("Hell World");
This will tell the console to print Hello World.
Step 5
Click the green play button on the main toolbar and click through the dialog box to run the program. The output should display on the bottom of the screen.
CONGRADULATIONS! You have created your first Java application. Hopefully you enjoyed it enough to make many more applications! The sky is the limit.